And So It Went…

I loved somebody with all my heart for 8 years, then the government removed her and after a year of court cases and supervised visitation they screwed me and I never saw her again.

There’s nothing to be sad about. I’d be sad if I didn’t love Jordan with all my heart, but I did. I was always there. I was a great dad to her and everybody that knew me then knows that. An 8-year relationship isn’t unheard of and either is being deceived and brainwashed by a cult. It happens.

Jordan’s captors are Arab immigrants that fear me and people that aren’t devoted to conservative Christianity. They left Muslim radicalism to pretend like they’re radical Christians.

Religion is a powerful drug. It can be used to make you turn on your family that only ever loved you and gave you everything they had without any ulterior motive.

Nobody should have to rely on religious morons.

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